Jatiluwih is one of the place of interest in the area of Penebel, Tabanan. Jatiluwih famous for its natural beauty with terraced rice fields which neatly. in this place also in the beautiful mountain scenery named Batukaru mountain, because the location of this Jatiluwih right at the foot of the Batukaru mountain.
Jatiluwih rice cultivation has an area of approximately 636 ha. And this Jatiluwih rice field located at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. This area is a suitable place to visit for the one who missed the Mountain fresh air and the natural panorama as a place to soothe the mind, because of the beautiful place that is still natural with fresh air.
Jatiluwih is surrounded by cool atmosphere because it is located in the height of 700 meters above sea level. Besides its nature potency, Jatiluwih is also saving the cultural potency, especially history of the Petali Temple existence that is related to the power of Ida Dalem Waturenggong King in Keraton Gelgel (1460 - 1552).
Jatiluwih also keep the unique religious ceremony attraction which is famous know as Patirtaan in Petali Temple on Wednesday Kliwon Ugu (Based on Balinese Calendar). The local residents believe that Petali Temple is a worship center of The Hyang Widhi Wasa (the God) as agriculture power. Beside of Petali Temple , there is also Pucak Rsi Temple is located in this area.